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Paul’s Letters to Timothy

Paul’s two letters to his “true son in the faith” are very personal. Paul reminds me of the father in the Proverbs of Solomon telling his son, “My son, keep my words and treasure up my commandments in you…Prov 7:1”           

These letters are a call to wisdom. 

It is Paul as a loving father telling us what to teach and what to ignore, what to correct and what to forbid.

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The Recordings

1Tim 1:1-17 

“Beware of Poisoned Wells”


1Tim 1:18—2:15 

“Arrogance and Authority”


1Tim 3:1-13 

“Character and Wisdom”


1Tim 3:14-4:10 

“Wise and Foolish”


1Tim 4:11-6:2 

“Commands and Rules?

What About Grace?”


1Tim 6:2-21 

“You Cannot Serve Two Masters”


2Tim 1:1-18 

“Never Be Ashamed!”


2Tim 2:1-26 

“Tinker, Sailor, Soldier, Spy”


2Tim 3:1—4:5 

“The Last Days”


2Tim 4:5-4:22 

“The Last Requests”


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